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Ukes With Alex High G GCEA 'JAZZ' Black Nylon Concert/Tenor Ukulele Strings

Ukes With Alex High G GCEA 'JAZZ' Black Nylon Concert/Tenor Ukulele Strings

SKU: uwajazzhighg

When I began working with Rotosound on string sets, one common thing I would get asked for was for a 'warm', 'traditional' or a 'jazz' set... I take those descriptive terms to mean they are looking for a rectified nylon sound or a black nylon sound. Black nylon is the mellowest and darkest string out there and the gauges I use replicate the natural drama and woody sound of your tonewood perfectly but keep things sounding as warm as possible. The slightly thicker string gauges used in these sets are in my opinion perfectly suited to the modern Tenor player who wants to sound like people did 60-70 years ago.

If you play traditional fingerstyle pieces and want warmth ahead of sustain... give these a go!

If you play Jazz and want more present lower mid frequencies to accompany your short sharp downward strums... give these a go!

If you want the darkest string possible for high G GCEA tuning, I believe this is the best combination out there.

I am initially releasing these strings in limited quanties as the production costs and lead time on the black nylon is much longer than on my clear nylon sets. If you like these strings, I recommend buying a couple of sets to avoid stock issues down the line.

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